The Elixir Of Life

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So, do you which to live longer? I found this spells from the book written by the Sufis Idries Shah called "The Secret Lore of Magic" Page 245. 

To obtain the Elixir of Life
Know first, that none lives for longer than his span, save by the 
permission of God. And therefore sages have written that this must 
be asked of God, before the water of life can be made. Alexander 
found the fountain and when he saw it, he was afraid, for the first 
time in his life, because he knew that there was much danger and 
fear therefrom. Therefore, if you are not afraid, prepare yourself 
with fasting and meditation for the space of forty days, and then 
when you are fortified, go out into the desert and seek a stone 
which is blue on one side and red on the other. This abounds in the 
deserts of Africa, and it is known when it is seen, for there is no 
other stone like it, and the two colours are separated by a white 
line. This is a stone, and it is not a stone; and those with wit will 

When you have found this stone, you must take it to a place far from the world of men, and there you must make for it a sheath, which is of copper and gold, and mount it therein, with the figure of a bird inscribed on it, and the words LI LI LI NA NA AN (This could be "لي لي لي نا نا ان" The book is translated from unknown language into english including the talisman so i am not sure whether it is arabic or hebrew.). Then you place it in water which you have brought from a running stream, and leave it there, alone and buried for the time during which seven moons wax and wane. And then, taking with you new clothes, and having bathed and eaten nothing, repair to that place.When you have the stone in your hand, say the words again and again, and place it on your heart. When this is finished, put off all your clothes, and make a fire from them. Then take up
the new garments, and robe yourself. If they are green and white, it is ltetter. Then take the water that has been with the stone, and it is the 'Water of Life. Half of it is to be placed in a small container, and this is to be stoppered and carried with you. The other half is to be drunk, when the sun comes up. Then you will live for the period for which you have prayed to be spared. But there is a strange thing about this. I have heard it said that every person who takes of the water of life longs for death in the end, and that beyond two hundred years he cannot live. So he must take the remainder of the water, and drink that, and he will then die at the appointed time.

In arabic magick there is this kind of practice for longetivity by reciting few prayers every day. By the way, i heard that if you want to avoid sickness you should stop breathing because the air nowadays has been infected by chemical and acid, that's why alot of people getting sick because of breathing especially because of smokes. According to some information people before chemical and acid was created can live more than 200 years, as example is the old prophet (Peace be upon them all.) Well i might be right and i might be wrong, Have a nice day!

The Servant Of The Divine Name Al-Latif

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Al-Latif [ اللطيف ] is one of the 99 names of Allah and the names of god in Islam, it means the gentle or the subtly kind. The guardian will assist those who recite “Ya-Latiff”. This is the way you conjure the Guardian of the Divine Name Al-Latif :

  1. Fast for for 7 days consuming only plain water and rice.
  2. You should be in a quiet, desolate room for khalwah (Solitude).
  3. After each obligatory prayers, Recite “Ya Latiff” 129x (One hundred twenty-nine times) and the prayer below 1x (Once).
  4. Make sure that every night you recite “Ya Latiff” for 16,641x (Sixteen-thousand Six-hundred and forty one times) along with the below prayer 4x (Four times).

The Prayer :

Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim.allahumma Innii As Aluka Wa Atawassalu Ilaika Bismikallathiifil Ladzii Wasi'a Luthfuhuu Ahlassamaawaati Wa Ahlal Ardhi Walathafta Bil Ajinnati Fii Buthuuni Ummahaatihaa Wa Ahathta Bilkainaati 'ilman As Aluka Bissirri Wal Asraari Wannuuri Wal Anwaari Yaaman Laa Tudrukuhul Abshaaru Wahuwal Lathiiful Khabiiru Innamaa Amruhuu Idzaa Araada Syai-an An Yaquula Lahuu Kun Fayakuun, Sakhkhirlii Khuddaamasmikal Lathiifil Mubaraaki Inna Rabbii Lathiifu Limaa Yasyaa-u Innahuu Huwal 'aliimulhakiim. Allahumma Yaa Musakhkhiras Samawaati Wal Ardhis Sab'i Waman Fiihina Waman 'alaihinna Sakhkhirlii Khuddaamasmikal Lathiifil Mubaraaki Bisirri Sirrismikallathiifil Maknuuni Alam Tara Annallaaha Anzala Minassamaai Maa-an Fatushbihul Ardhu Mukhdharatan Innallaaha Lathiifun Khabiirun. Allahumma Yaa Rabbal Arbaabi Murabbil Kainaati Bilathiifi Rubuubiyyatihii Asri' Lii Sarayaa Na Luthfika Fii Sya'nii Wamuraadii Kullihii Yaa Man Laisa Bighaibin Fa Antazhirahuu Walaa Biba'iidin Fa Umhilahuu Alhimnii Luthfakal Khafiyya Wafahhimni Rusydi Waqalbii Baina Ushbu'aini Min Ashaabi'i Luthfika Hattaa Asyhada Lathiifal ... washallallaahu 'alaa Sayyidina Muhammadin Wa'ala Aalihi Washahbiihi Wasallam.

At the end of the day the Khadam will appears to you, tell him whatever you desire. He will grant it, God most high willing.

The Servant Of Surat Al-Fatihah (The Opener)

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Surat Al-Fatihah has many use, If you have found the key of the Surat, you may do the following:

  1. You may meet with the khodam (servant/guardian) of Surat Al-Fatihah, God most high willing. His name is Saiyyid Ar-Rofroful Ukhdhoir. You may ask him whatever you wish it is depend on what he is capable of.
  2. You may acquire the deadly punch ability, Reverse black magic and burning of spirits/djinn.

This is the key to acquire such power, God most high willing.

Step One: Recite the following verse on its appropriate day:
  1. Sunday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alamin." (616x)
  2. Monday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Arrahmaanirrahiiim." (619x)
  3. Tuesday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Maaliki Yaumid Diin." (142x)
  4. Wednesday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Iyyaka Na’budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta’in." (856x)
  5. Thursday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Ihdinas Sirotol Mustaqim." (1,073x)
  6. Friday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Siraatol laziiina an’am ta’alaihim." (1,837x)
  7. Saturday: "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Ghairil maghdhuuubi alaihim walad Dhooollin." (4,233x)
You recite them after the dusk prayer (Maghrib) and after the dawn prayer (Subuh), recite each verse on its appropriate day.

Step Two: You should get used to recite this prayer often after the dusk prayer and the dawn prayer, This is the prayer:

"Yaa Qoohiru Yaa Aziizu Ya Allah Yaa Mujib. Aqsamtu ‘Alaikum Yaa Malaa’ikatir Ruhaaniyiin Minal U’lwiyyat Wassufliyyaat, Wa Yaa Khoodimu Faatihatil Kitab, Ajiibuunii Wa A’iinuunii Fii Jamii’i Hawaaijii. Aluuhan Aluuhan, Al ‘ajlu Al ‘Ajlu, As Saa’ah As Saa’h, Bihaqqi Sab’il Matsaani Wal Qur’aanil ‘azhiim. Wa Bihaqqil Asroori Wal Barokaati Fiihima, Wa Bihaqqi Maata’taqiduunahu Minal ‘Azhomati Walburhaan, Wa Bi Hurmati Sayyidina Muhammadin Alaihissholaatu Wassalaam, Allahumma Sakhirlii ‘abdaka Arrofroful Kulli Syaiin Qodir."

This is the key to activate the deadly punch: 

Step One: Recite Surat Al-Fatihah (Click here for the surah) 3 times or recite it once while holding breath. 
Step Two: Then recite this along : Yaa Maalika Yaumiddin, Iyyaka Na’budu Wa Iyyaka Nasta’in.

Talisman To Cause An Enemy Stomach To Explode

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Talisman To Cause Explotion Of Stomach
This hex is very painful for your enemy, Please do not use it for jokes.
If your enemy is too dangerous and threatening your life or family, You may do this method for destroying your enemy, God most high willing.

Step One: At dawn, prepare a chicken egg and inscribe upon the egg the talisman above. Inscribe it while intending and saying your target name.

Step Two: Then burn the egg on a fire till it broke.

God most high willing, The enemy that is threatening your life will be destroyed by God.

Note: Forgiving is better than killing.

Conjuring The King of Jinns

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According to Syaikh Ahmad Dairobi, the below ritual is meant for conjuring the King of Jinns.

The Method Is As Follows:
  1. This ritual must be performed at mid-night, in a dark empty room while burning some incense.
  2. The conjurer must be alone.
  3. Recite Surat Al-Jin 100x.(Click here for the verse)
  4. Recite the below prayer (from Surat Yaasiin):
"Bismillahir Rahmmanir Rahiim. 
Qul Uuhiya Ilayya Annahus Tama'a Nafarum Minal Jinni Fa Qaaluu Innaa Sami'naa Qur-aanan 'Ajabaa Yahdii Ilar Rusydi Fa Aamannaa Bihii Wa Lan Nusyrika Bi Rabbinaa Ahadaa Wa Annahuu Ta'aalaa Jaddu Rabbinaa Mat Takhadza Shaahibataw Wa Laa Waladaa Wa Annahuu Kaana Yaquulu Safiihunaa 'Alallaahi Syathathaa."

The above prayer must be recited repeatedly until the king of jinns is visible. When the king comes, then recite the below prayer:

"Wa nufikho fish shuuri faidzaa hum minal ajdaatsi ilaa robbihim yansiluun. 
Qooluu yaa wailanaa mam ba'atsanaa mim marqodinaa, 
haadzaa maa wa'adar rohmaanu wa shodaqol mursaluun. 
Ing kaanat illaa shoihataw waahidatan 
faidzaa hum jamii'ul ladainaa muhdhoruun. 
Wa laqod 'alimatil jinaatu innahum lamuhdhoruun. 
Haadzihi jahannamul latii kuntum tuu'aduun. 
Ishlauhal yauma bimaa kuntum takfuruun."

Greet the king by saying Assalamu'alaikum (If he speak hebrew then say Salom Alaichem) and tell him your desires. (You may only ask for one wish) If you asked for money you may need to donate some to the charity.

Chant For Shapeshifting

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The rite below will gives oneself the power to shapeshift into any animals, God most high willing.

Step One: Recite the following Divine Name 12,000 (Twelve thousand) times every day for several years and you will advance in your spiritual degree and be able to change your body and shape as you will.

The Divine Name as mentioned: "Ya Waritsu"

While doing this rite obey the spiritual precepts and rules.

Magical Teleportation Sandals

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This power is Magnificent, You may travel distance as fast as possible. With this knowledge it is possible to be in different places, cities and countries all in the same day.

The Instruction On Creating The Magical Sandals
Step One: Take a tiger skins and fashion it into a sandals/shoes. Inscribe upon the sandals the following talisman:

Step Two: If you wish to teleport to distant places, wear the magical sandals and recite the following Quranic verse continuously while visualizing the places where you wish to be, until you reach your destination. Then remove your sandals and cease with the recitation.

The Recitation :
Surah Al-Zumar verse 67
Phonetic: "Wamaa qadarullaaha haqqa qadrihii wal ardhu jamii'an qabdhatuhuu yaumal qiyaamati wassamaau mathwiyyaatun biyamiinihii."

Translation: They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand.

Kitab Al-Ajnas Initiation

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The Carpet
This is for acquiring the knowledges of kitab Al-Ajnas by Asif Bin Barkhiya.

You inscribe the following names on a clean white fabric or metal, you sit upon the carpet and command the ruhanniyah (spirits) for whatever you wish (it depends on what the spirits is capable of), If you can't acquire such tools then use a piece of pure and clean parchment written on it with ink made of saffron, ink, camphor, musk and rose water. Uponthere you will receive power upon every soul on this world, human and djinn.

You must know that only through practice, it's method and ways, that can make oneself success with any of the following knowledges. While doing so keep your clothes and body clean, try to not to sleep and do not consume non-halal food (such as pork and alcohol). Have awe to your lord, As been said made a carpet out of fabric or parchment upon it your inscribe the names of powers that you wish to acquire (In this post i will mention the supreme conjuration of all Ruhanniyah names). When you conjure the Ruhanniyah you should be in a quiet place free from hustle and bustle or a room/house away from any habitation. Let your retreat last for seven weeks, three weeks or one week (this is the minimum). Whoever wants to accomplish this spiritual excercise should not sleep at night unless you fall asleep at your own by force. You should persist in reciting the conjuration. You should also be in a state of cleanliness by taking ablution wash or holy wash. You will see the Ruhanniyah in your dreams, and later the ruhanniyah will appear to you when you're awake. You should sleep in the day time from midmorning to noon (Do not sleep after midafternoon or dawn). You should ask forgiveness from your Lord and earnestly pray to him (If you're a muslim you should do a repentance prayer). If you wish to employ the khodam (servant) from the angels who in charge of the planets fashion the seal according to the planet glyphs  when the planets on its exaltation (see pages 117 [١١٧]) and let your carpet be suitable to its color and incense. Last thing inscribe the conjuration that you wish to acquire upon the carpet (at the middle) it will be more perfect.

The Method For The Carpet
Inscribe the names upon the carpet just like the picture above, I have also change it into text so that you may see what should be written.

Inscribe This 100 Names At The Front End:
عويل عزريل عمانيل صهصهة صمصيول خيمش ديمش هارش قارش هيدرش خطاف جولي جمنهيش جيد نش قيش مخطاليش هيولا بشعلاش مرداش قيوش اهليل هيبوت هلياوت اوخدي لاحسن صتاصيف اهميلخ طقش شلامين سلام اه واه يه يهو شده شده جبروت جبروت جبريانيل حورا سلكف سلكف سلطاط شلطا مطا مكفكف كف ملكا وباغني باريخ قديشا اهيا شراهيا ابريخ ياريخ عني بريخ بيدلخ بيروخ بسطور النور وإنه لقسم لو تعلمون عظيم بحمعسق ونفخ في الصور فصعق من في السموات ومن في الأرض إلا مَن شاء الله وكل أتوه داخرين بكهطول وملخ براخ بطيشا احماحميثا سبوح قدوس شداي عواليم مصرايم عشعاش مرداش صغرا رمش عواليش طاماغوش هملوقاش صعيراش تنش قطهر قطاميش شعقوش رزيوش عيوش دريوش قيبكاش اش شمالوش عقمايش درمايش درمش الوحى الوحى

Inscribe This 50 Names On The Right Side:
يهليوه كركياط هيور كشيرياوب اهمليم شعيهوش حواليم عبدليم قشريم طوشليم طوشال علشاقش مهراقيش طقلا عقيل هبيد رشوا شقيم رفوش دقياشيم سراخيل دماقير دهيول هو هوصيال قوش مريوش قيوش مارش عفكل شيكل شهاطش يكلاوش كل وش ديوش برخاريش جهه صفيه جودرة مره يويه دراش دمهلاجش طروش كروش حيوم قيوم الها ربا قديسا

Inscribe This 50 Names On The Left Side:
ابا الاها بشعياذ يورطالش مهراقش ميخا طهيش طلش درعاش عشقش ترتيب مراتيل برهيود رقايل برقيل واش لماش طقياش طيمروش هارش لاوش فصص حبرنب هواطيل كلكنوش رهوش اركيوش دالش عولش وارياش بهاش عوش ياعاش ياراش واش واراش وراش نوش نوش صرصرجيا يبرشوش برنيوش دهيوش رذب عيانق مهوارش بهوارش ديوه يوه ماه يولخ

Inscribe This 100 Names At The Back End:
اللهم باسمك فيعوج ديعوج بيعوج شفاها شرليش اوياه برياه دهوه يه يه هايلا شملا ارخيا اياه مركوش روش اشيخ شخيخ شامخ قطيط مطيط سالون عفعش حيف اقش مقش قرايوش دروش بروشا اهيوثا شكشم بكشم رشيم ديوق مالق عليا شم عواقيم مهياليان ثوب ثرثوب ماش قراخ كراخ حيورخ برهيا شمراثا تبراثا مالش جولا طلمخ شلع فقطشلخ مهطيل هطيل مرطيل هطيل يطل طواشخ طليخ حعلخ هيوت هيوت رقشياده هاشا لهيا كسا ايقشان ثبوا ديوه بياصوم ربه دراخ مرهالخ برعاش قراش مارش رادش حادش صيمر همير هثو توغر غوش غرعيوش عاصم قاصم داعش فرعش قلموش قشرعش قيش اوديوش ليكوش جيه جيهه جيولش طهيانه طهورة ارياه ارتياياه قيدول تيارياه رياه دشم دشم مركشم صون يشرا شليم شلامين صاعوق ناعوق لاعج ماعج عجيج بعيج عواديم صرناييم ملاخيم خلاتوق ملاخوق صعجف مواجف خفيف جفجف جرير هايور جايور لطيف قورش قطروش صيرا هوما طقيش طقرش طقاش هيش هرام كبراص دملاص دليص حصيص حيلونش طقمش طواش طهقيش حواه كريد ياصورا حودا ياخان دميلا خان اخان جبرون جيراوون جبراووت جبراووت قرمانش قرمياش مرمينامين علامين العزيا قرقرون ملشيا شيور مشتار سيوخ قدوس سقلوط لاجين صراجين صوامين اركاش ركوش كيموش حماعيوش ابريدق مالاقيم جبراهيم همقاش طواليش عملوش عمقاليش عوديال ديال كرتهوش فيقطوش درش درويوش صهرام عوام صيهيوش طهرام عرام صيهوش

Supreme Conjuration Of All Ruhanniyah الدعوة العظمى لجميع الآرواح (Al-Ajnas Pages 35 [٣٥])

This is for the angels from the Throne and to the stool :

باسم الله الذي قامت بامره السموات وسبحت له الملائكة باختلاف اللغات خلق السماء بقدرته ودحا الارض بارادته وخلق النجوم بحكمته وفجر البحار بمشيئته واستوى على جميع الاضياء بقهره وقدرته ازلي الازل قبل الازمان الغابرة والدهور الداهرة تبارك في جوهريته النورانية العنصرية الازلية واحتجب بقدس الانوار اللاهوتية العلية الازلية الغائبة عن البشرية البرية الثابثة في الاذهان الزكية تباركت وتقدست اسماؤك يارب الذي منك تتنوع حكمة الارواح الروحانية المنفصلة بالقوى العالية تباركت وتقدست اسماؤك وعظم كبرياؤك ولاقادر غيرك ولاقاهر سواك فاني ادعوك باسمائك الحسنى وكلماتك العليا العظمى التي قالت بها لجميع الأشياء كن فكان ما تشاء التي كان لا يلبث لسماعها ارض ولا سماء اسالك ان تسخر لي عبيدك وملائكتك حتى استعين بهم على مايرضيك وانت المستعان .

فاني ادعوكم يامعاشر الارواح الطاهرين المطيعة لله رب العالمين من الملائكة الروحانيين الموكلين بنواصي الجن والشياطين بما اقسم به على السموات والارض فاتت طائعة 
بقدرته بالكلمات العظمى والايات العليا بالله وهو رب الاخرة والاولى وبما نزل به جبريل عليه السلام على سليمان على كافة النبيين والمرسلين.

ياهيا شراهيا ادوناي اصباؤت ال شداي نور النور اه اه تلالا بهاه وياه يا هو يا هو يا هو شليم نمواه نمواه اه هياه صهصها هصهصا هجهجا اه يه يانوخ ياهيه نموه نموه ن وبالاسم الذي اخذ به ربنا كل شيء فخضع وذل وبالاسم المخزون المكنون اهيا شراهيا صصفص صص ادوناي اصباؤت ال شداي رصي الله عنك اجيبوني يا ملائكة ربي يا شمخ شيمخا بالذي ترعدون من مخافته وتخرون صعقا لهيبته العظيمة لابس المهابة الخفي بالكبرياء المكلل بالنور الذي برق خيال بهاء نوره اشرق طور سيناء فانهد وجرى وخرت الملائكة صعقا في الهوى خائفة من سطوة رب السموات العلى طائعة لاسمائه الحسنى وكلماته العظمى وبالاسم الذي لو تكلم به منك الروح لتساقطت رؤوس الملائكة الكروبيين هورين باروخ اشمخ شماخ العالي على كل براخ طنطيش شفش اكراكوك اله قدوس ياذا عوة يا ه ترابخ بخ بعالم طيموثا بطيثا منيعا بشدايد الارعاد طيثا بشمخ قيوما رحمتنا يوثا مايوثا هولاين هلهيثا قظ قط الله الله الواحد القهار هو هو هورص هوغان كبارا وجبار ابيض بيض مايوت جل وعز سلطان شموت شتموت بمصورش صص صمدي هو ميص تهميص صص هو ميصصيا صصمومه هوثاه يافشطليس هو مصصيا هو ملك الارض والسماء اجبني ياميططرون يه يه يه يه يه يه يه بيه اوريال برخيال هوريال شوريال رغشيال هوريال لهفيال برقيال نوريال عشيال غشيال هدريال لهفيال برقيال نوريال عشيال غشيال قلايال عذريال سرخيال تبارك ربنا ما اعز عزه الذي الجم الجان بكلماته لا اله الا هو عجلوا بكاف من كاف وبصاد من صادق اه او هي شوصه شرمه بشطور شطور حمعسق الم المص رب ياجليل الاجل اجبني ياميططرون انت وجميع اعوانك الطاعة لله ولاسمائه

I'm sorry i can't translate this names into phonetic because i'm not really good in arabic language if i translated it  wrongly the conjuration will not be perfect, If any of you is an arabic speaker please kindly translate this name into phonetic, May God bless you!

On the carpet you say the names that has been mentioned which is the Supreme Conjuration Of All Ruhanniyah with the names of the seven firmament planets (see pages 21 [٢١] to 30 [٣٠]) for the names). You recite them at the state i have mentioned. After that all the ruhanniyah will be revealed to you, you will receive your objective in both of this world and the world after. Let your conjuration be for whatever your desire and asking their help againts your enemy, God most high will.

Step One: You should have inscribed the carpet along with the conjuration that you choose (depend on which you would like to acquire)

Step Two: Prepare a clean room or place that is free from hustle and bustle as mentioned before you should do your retreat the minimum is 7 days as mentioned.

Step Three: Always be in a state of cleanliness by taking ablution wash or holy wash, recite the conjuration as many times as you can. As mentioned do not sleep at night unless you fall asleep at your own.

You will see the ruhanniyah and if you wish to conjure them recite the conjuration that is suitable.

Note: Some say that this initiation is really powerful even diamond has no value to this knowledges. Thus if you wish to fly, teleport, shapeshift, bring back the dead to life like how prophet Jesus (Peace be upon him) did, close the sun and even split the moon into half like how prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) has perform miracles it is possible if God will it to happen for you.

Spells For Flying Or Walk On Water

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Step One: Inscribe the following arabic numbers upon a virgin parchment paper: ٥٦٢٧٤
It is 47265 in english

Step Two: Recite the following names:

حه قبراش حه هيتزاطورش جه منذ اقشطش حه عنطلنطهس حه عدا نقش حه كطلطيش طلعود لطش حه بحق بعضكم على بعض وبحق الكواكب السبعة وبحق من اسمه وطاعته واجبة عليكم الا ماقضيتم حاجتى وكنتم عونى على (كذا وكذا) اقسمت عليكم بالملك الأصفر وبحق الملك الأحمر وبحقكم عليكم الا 
ماقضيتم حاجتى وكنتم عونى وأعوانى اعينونى على (كذا وكذا) اقسمت عليكم بيأجوج ومأجوج وهاروت وماروت إلا ماقضيتم حاجتى

Phonetic: “Hah Qirash Hah Hitza Khurash Gag Mundhu Iqshatasna Hah.'Antalantahasna Hah 'ada Naqasha Hah Dina Naqashna HahKataltaysan Tal'ud Latasna Hah Bihaq Bi-a’dh-kum A’la Ba’dha Wa-b-haq Alkawa-kab Alsb’ah Wabihaq Min Asmihi Watha-a’tihi-waj-bat A’laikum I’la Ma Qadhaithum Hajati Wakuntum Auw-nia A’la Ka-zha Wa-khaza (Say Your Wish) Aq’samat A’likum Bilmulik Al-‘su-fur Wa-ama-laka Al-humur Wabihaq A’laikum Il-maa Qa-dhai-tum Hajati Wakuntum A’uw-ni Wa-‘ag-wani Wa-i’nuwna A’la Ka-zha Wa-khaza (Say Your Wish) Aq-samat A’laikum Biyajjuzu Wamajjuzu Waharut Wamarut Al Ma Qa-dhai-tum Ha Jata”

Translation: “Hah Qirash Hah Hitza Khurash Gag Mundhu Iqshatasna Hah. 'Antalantahasna Hah 'Ada Naqasha Hah Dina Naqashna Hah Kataltaysan Tal'ud Latasna Hah. By the right of some of you over some others, by the right of the seven planets, and by the right of Him whose name and obedience to Whom is incumbent upon you: You must fulfill my request and come to aid me (Say Your Wish). I have sworn to you by the Yellow King, By the right of the Red King, and by your right over each other, that you must fulfill my request and come to my aid. Come to my aid! (Say Your Wish) I have sworn to you by Yagog and Magog, by Harut and Marut that you must fullfill my request!”

After the words (كذا وكذا) say what you desire whether flying or walk on water.

Step Three: After the recitation of the names Incense/perfume the following parchment with aloeswood smokes.

Note: Do not tell anyone if you have success with the following spells, You should recite the following names in arabic as i am not sure if you recite the translation version will work or not. Some people would inscribe the following numerical values with the names together like this without the (كذا وكذا):

٥٦٢٧٤  حه قبراش حه هيتزاطورش جه منذ اقشطش حه عنطلنطهس حه عدا نقش حه كطلطيش طلعود لطش حه بحق بعضكم على بعض وبحق الكواكب السبعة  وبحق من اسمه وطاعته واجبة عليكم الا ماقضيتم حاجتى وكنتم عونى على اقسمت عليكم بالملك الأصفر وبحق الملك الأحمر وبحقكم عليكم الا ماقضيتم حاجتى وكنتم عونى وأعوانى اعينونى على اقسمت عليكم بيأجوج ومأجوج وهاروت وماروت إلا ماقضيتم حاجتى